Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Why Are Personal Responsibilities More Important Than...

Why are personal responsibilities more important than social responsibilities? People have a lot of ups and downs in their life. Sometimes they are happy while they are doing what they like, or they are stressed of circumstances that arise in their life. They are always looking for ways to find the balance around them. As a result, they plan different strategies to help improve the quality of life, so they start working on themselves by being more responsible for their actions and helping others in different ways for a better society. Some authors debate several circumstances to encourage people to participate in each other’s life for the good of everyone in their community. Ericson is a screenwriter and an advertising copywriter. She†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, they can be also responsible for the choices that they are making in life because they may affect their body and create a door for a physical problem. Furthermore, people need to be responsible for their intellectual growth as well. In order to be self-sufficient, individuals need to be prepared for life challenges. They can start by going to college to become well educated, and receive a degree, find a job, and be able to take care of themselves without expecting assistance from government, parents, or others. When people are able to keep the balance, they will not be a charge or a problem to the public. Ericsson argues in her classification and division essay â€Å"We all put up facades to one degree or another† (473). The author debates that people can have different faces in life that may qualify them at an extent. The way they dress, behave socially and personally. Therefore, if individuals are well maintained physically and intellectually that will impact their life one way or another. By taking care of themselves, they make decisions in life that will be greatly beneficial to them. Besides physical and intellectual appearances, they need to be careful to avoid situations that may endanger their safety. They need to make good choices of people an d company that they keep places that they are visiting, and recognize the choices that will benefit them in life.

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